
Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier

From NEC Retro


MugenSenshiValis SCDROM2 Title.png

Mugen Senshi Valis
System(s): Super CD-ROM²
Publisher: Riot
Genre: Action

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Super CD-ROM²


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Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier (夢幻戦士ヴァリス) is an action game for Super CD-ROM² hardware. It is a remake of Mugen Senshi Valis for the PC-8801 and other 8-bit home computers.


Valis SCDROM2, Queen Valia.png

Queen Valia

Valis SCDROM2, Yuko.png

Yuko, the Valis Warrior

Yuko Asou (麻生 優子), an ordinary Japanese schoolgirl, is on her way home from school when she is caught in a storm. When the rain suddenly stops, Yuko recalls a dream she had the night before where she heard a voice call her. Her friend Reiko (麗子) appears and speaks in a cryptic way before leaving. While Yuko ponders her friend's strange behavior, a monster appears out of nowhere and attacks her. The voice from Yuko's dream calls out again, and that person throws Yuko the Valis sword. The sword's magic defeats the monster, and Yuko runs to find that her whole city is under attack by monsters.

After fighting off the monsters and defeating their leader, Yuko is transported to another dimension, where she meets Queen Valia (ヴァリア), the voice that was calling out to her before. Valia explains to Yuko that a negative energy called "Vecanta," which exploits the evil in human hearts, is spreading throughout Earth. Rogles (ログレス), the ruler of the dark world, is behind this manipulation. He has locked light into the Fantasm Jewel and broken the jewel into several pieces that he gave to his subordinates to safeguard. Valia tells Yuko that she must gather the jewel pieces and use them to defeat Rogles to save both worlds.


The game is a platformer played as Yuko Asou, a Japanese schoolgirl who is magically summoned into becoming the Valis warrior by wielding the sword of the same name. After acquiring the sword, Yuko learns that she must collect all the pieces of the Fantasm Jewel by defeating the generals of Rogles in order to save the human world. Animated and voice-acted cutscenes portray the story as the player progresses through the game.

Yuko moves with and . She crouches with and jumps with . She can slide along the ground with +, which can be used to attack enemies, evade harm, or move over gaps in the terrain. She is invulnerable while sliding. Yuko attacks by swinging the sword Valis with . She can swing the sword while standing, crouching, or jumping. Yuko can acquire attack powers that cause the sword to shoot projectiles whenever it is swung, and these attack powers can be upgraded up to three levels by acquiring the same attack power multiple times.

The bosses at the end of the first five acts are guarding pieces of the Fantasm Jewel, and Yuko obtains a new magical ability when she defeats them and recovers their piece of the jewel. Yuko can cycle between the magic powers that she has learned by pressing  SELECT , and she can cast the magic ability with +. Magic abilities cost magic points, and Yuko has a gauge that can hold up to 16 magic points. Yuko cannot perform a magical ability if she does not have enough magic points, but the magic gauge can be filled by finding items.

Yuko has a hit point gauge that can hold up to 16 hit points. She loses two hit points when she takes damage from enemies, but she can restore her health by finding items. She loses a life when she loses all of her hit points and must restart the stage. She also loses a life if time runs out. Upon losing a life, Yuko retains any attack power she may have acquired, but its power is reduced to the base level. The game ends if the player runs out of lives, but it can be continued from the beginning of the last stage. The game automatically saves the player's progress to the console's internal memory, so it can also be continued after powering the system off.

Attack powers

Yuko can obtain items that cause her to fire projectiles whenever she swings the Valis sword. Only one attack power can be used at a time. Collecting an item for an attack that Yuko is already using upgrades the attack, up to three times.

Valis SCDROM2, Weapons, Bullet.png

Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Shoots two fireballs, one on top of the other, straight ahead. At level 2, the fireballs grow in size and power. At level 3, Yuko shoots two large fireballs straight ahead and two small fireballs at a diagonal angle.

Valis SCDROM2, Weapons, Cutter.png

Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Shoots a crescent-shaped energy wave that can neutralize enemy projectiles and penetrate through multiple targets. At level 2, the projectile grows in size and power. At level 3, Yuko shoots two projectiles, one straight above and one straight ahead.

Valis SCDROM2, Weapons, Hunter.png

Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Shoots two arrow-shaped energy bolts, initially in a spread, that home in on enemies. At level 2, Yuko shoots a spread of three projectiles. At level 3, she shoots a spread of five projectiles.

Valis SCDROM2, Weapons, Arc Shot.png

Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Arc Shot
Shoots a ball in an arc that bounces off surfaces until it hits an enemy or leaves the screen. The ball bursts when it hits an enemy. At level 2, Yuko shoots two balls in a spread. At level 3, she shoots three balls in a spread.

Valis SCDROM2, Weapons, Saber.png

Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Shoots an energy sword straight ahead. At level 2, the sword splits into two energy swords stacked on top of each other. At level 3, the sword splits into four energy swords stacked on top of each other.

Magical abilities

Yuko obtains magical abilities when she recovers pieces of the Fantasm Jewel from bosses she defeats.

Valis SCDROM2, Magic, Earthquake.png

Valis SCDROM2, Magic Icons.png
Earthquake (地の魔法)
Causes an earthquake that attacks enemies on the ground. Costs 2 MP. Acquired by defeating Gaida (ガイーダ), the Lord of the Earth.

Valis SCDROM2, Magic, Ice.png

Valis SCDROM2, Magic Icons.png
Ice Feather (氷の魔法)
Elevates two ice chunks that break into blossoms of damaging ice shards. Costs 4 MP. Acquired by defeating Giva (ギーヴァ), the Lord of Water.

Valis SCDROM2, Magic, Shield.png

Valis SCDROM2, Magic Icons.png
Rune Barrier (風の魔法)
Surrounds Yuko in a protective barrier that renders her impervious to damage for a duration. Costs 8 MP. Acquired by defeating Wyzard (ワイザード), the Lord of Wind.

Valis SCDROM2, Magic, Fire.png

Valis SCDROM2, Magic Icons.png
Flame Ring (炎の魔法)
Summons balls of fire that orbit Yuko, damaging nearby enemies and guarding her against projectiles. Costs 10 MP. Acquired by defeating Venon (べノン), the Lord of Fire.

Valis SCDROM2, Magic, Thunder.png

Valis SCDROM2, Magic Icons.png
Giga Thunder (雷の魔法)
Calls a rain of lightning bolts from the sky, damaging all enemies on the screen and destroying all enemy projectiles. Costs 16 MP. Acquired by defeating Voldes (ヴォルデス), the Lord of Thunder and Lightning.


Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Item Box (アイテムボックス)
Attack to reveal an item.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
S Magic (Sマジック)
Restores the MP gauge by 2 points.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
B Magic (Bマジック)
Completely restores the MP gauge.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Heal (ヒール)
Restores the HP gauge by 2 points.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Recovery (リカバー)
Completely restores the HP gauge.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
1 Up
Gives the player an extra life.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Enhances Valis with the Bullet attack power or upgrades it if already equipped, up to three levels.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Enhances Valis with the Cutter attack power or upgrades it if already equipped, up to three levels.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Enhances Valis with the Hunter attack power or upgrades it if already equipped, up to three levels.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Arc Shot
Enhances Valis with the Arc Shot attack power or upgrades it if already equipped, up to three levels.
Valis SCDROM2, Items.png
Enhances Valis with the Saber attack power or upgrades it if already equipped, up to three levels.


Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-2.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-3.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 1-3.png

Act 1

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-2.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-3.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-4.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-3.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 2-4.png

Act 2

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 3-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 3-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 3-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 3-2.png

Act 3

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-2.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-3.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-4.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-3.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 4-4.png

Act 4

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 5-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 5-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 5-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 5-2.png

Act 5

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-2.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-3.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 6-3.png

Act 6

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 7.png

Yuko must fight her classmate, Reiko, who has been brainwashed by Rogles into serving him.

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-1.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-2.png

Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-3.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-1.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-2.png

  • Valis SCDROM2, Stage 8-3.png

Act 7

Production credits

  • 原案・シナリオ: 三浦智子
  • 企画: 太田浩二, 折原綱義
  • ゲームプログラム: 堀 康彦,
  • ビジュアルプログラム: 佐々木勝徳
  • ゲームグラフィック: 加藤清文, 清水芳久
  • ビジュアルグラフィック: 牧 由尚, 河野敏美
  • ビジュアル監修: 大友美智男
  • ビジュアル原画・絵コンテ: 鍋島 修
  • 音楽: 小川史生, (株)ビジネスサポート, 湯浅 稔, 甲斐浩昭
  • タイトル・エンディングテーマアレンジ: (有)はるコーポレーション, 三好敏彦
  • 音響効果: 梅津貴陽, (株)ヴァンクル, 森 賢一
  • MA: (株)A&K, 甲斐浩昭, 墳崎一也, 沢村宏志
  • キャスト: 島本 須美, 三田ゆう子, 榊原 良子, 田中 秀幸, 掛川 裕彦, 白石 文子, 小林 清志
  • 宣伝企画: 吉岡たかを, 三浦 遊馬, 鈴木 正芳, 室井 ルミ
  • マニュアル: 大野勝久, (有)メディアプラス
  • 協力: (株)青二プロダクション, 古市利雄, (株)エーワンアド, (株)チャンプ, (有)オカリナシステム, 屋宜 実, 榎戸 明, 竹岡聖師
  • エンディングテーマ: 『Miss Blueに微笑みを』
  • 作詞: 三浦智子
  • 作曲: 小川史生
  • : 島本須美
  • スペシャルサンクス: 高垣信宏, 山本雅康, 阿彦裕徳, 岩附宏和, (株)ADファクター, (株)創通エージェンシー, 下坂 圭
  • エグゼクティブプロデュース: 福島次郎, 福島和行, 福島雄二, 阿部好延, 福島 孝
  • プロデュース: 小川史生
第1事業部 RIOT
In-game credits[1]

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Magazine articles

Main article: Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier/Magazine articles.

Physical scans

Super CD-ROM², JP
MSV SCD JP Box Back.jpgMSV SCD JP front.jpg

Technical information

ROM dump status

System Hash Size Build Date Source Comments
Super CD-ROM²


Sega Retro has more information related to Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier

MugenSenshiValis SCDROM2 Title.png

Main page | Maps | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Reception | Compatibility

Valis games for NEC systems
Mugen Senshi Valis (1986) | Valis II (1989) | Mugen Senshi Valis II (1989) | Valis III (1990) | Valis IV (1991)
Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier (1992) | Valis Visual Shuu (1993)