
Forgotten Worlds/Comparisons

From NEC Retro

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Localisation comparisons

ForgottenWorlds SCDROM2 Title.png

NTSC-J version

ForgottenWorlds SCDROM2 US Title.png

NTSC-U version

The North American version updates the copyright information at the bottom of the title screen and adds a ™ symbol to the title.

ForgottenWorlds SCDROM2 JP Options.png

NTSC-J version

ForgottenWorlds SCDROM2 US Options.png

NTSC-U version

The North American version changes the VOICE option to allow changing between English and Japanese voice clips, and replaces the OPERATE setting, which allowed changing between different Pad types in the Japanese version, to an auto shot toggle.


Forgotten Worlds

ForgottenWorlds SCDROM2 US Title.png

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