
F1 Circus '92/Hidden content

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Sound test

F1Circus92 PCE SoundTest.png

On the title screen, press HOLD  RUN .

Demo course

F1Circus92 PCE DemoCourse.png

On the title screen, press HOLD + SELECT  to display the team select followed by a menu to watch a race.

Change weather

After choosing a team, select "Practice", then hold  SELECT  and press once or twice to go to the "Course" screen. Keep  SELECT  held and press the following directions to change the weather:

  • Press for cloudy weather.
  • Press for rainy weather.
  • Press for sunny weather.

Bigger cars

F1Circus92 PCE BiggerCars.png

From the main menu, select "Test Drive" mode and go through all the setup screens up to the "Setting" screen. Highlight "Exit", then press and hold + RUN +. A sound will confirm correct entry, and all cars will be bigger.


CollapseF1 Circus '92

F1Circus92 title.png

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