


This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.

Tag nameAppearance on change listsFull description of meaningSourceActive?Tagged changes
mw-new-redirectNew redirectEdits that create a new redirect or change a page to a redirectDefined by the softwareYes1,517 changes
mw-changed-redirect-targetRedirect target changedEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareYes82 changes
mw-undoUndoEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareYes33 changes
mw-removed-redirectRemoved redirectEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareYes30 changes
mw-rollbackRollbackEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareYes19 changes
mw-blankBlankingEdits that blank a pageDefined by the softwareYes10 changes
mw-replaceReplacedEdits that remove more than 90% of the content of a pageDefined by the softwareYes2 changes
mw-contentmodelchangecontent model changeEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareYes0 changes