
Psychic Storm/Hidden content

From NEC Retro

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Hidden options

PsychicStorm SCDROM2 HiddenOptions.png

On the main menu, highlight "Transform" and press  SELECT  + SELECT  + SELECT  ++ SELECT  + SELECT  + SELECT   SELECT . This will add the following options to the menu:

  • Round: A round select.
  • Hit Mode: Initially unchangeable. Highlight this option and press ++ SELECT  + SELECT  + SELECT   SELECT  + SELECT  + SELECT  ++ SELECT . A sound will confirm correct entry, and this setting can be changed to "Muteki", enabling invincibility.
  • Credit: Adjusts the number of credits available.
  • Sound: A sound test.

Enabling this menu will also enable in-game cheats when paused. Hold while unpausing to instantly upgrade weapons, and hold while unpausing to refill the special bar.


Psychic Storm

PsychicStorm SCDROM2 Title.png

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