
Flash Hiders/Hidden content

From NEC Retro

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Taikenban mode

FlashHiders SCDROM2 Taikenban.png

As soon as the letters from "SUPER" in the BIOS screen form the initials for Right Stuff, hold ++ SELECT + RUN  on Pad 4 until the title screen appears (requires a PC Engine Senyou Multi Tap). This will start the game in "Taikenban" mode[1].

Special configuration

FlashHiders SCDROM2 SpecialConfiguration.png

FlashHiders SCDROM2 PlayerSelectBossCharacters.png

On the Mode Select menu, slowly press 8 times until the selection stops on Versus mode, then slowly press to display a hidden menu with a game speed setting and a toggle to enable the two boss characters, Graneel and Moonrize. Press to apply changes.

Visual select

FlashHiders SCDROM2 VisualSelect.png

On the Mode Select menu, slowly press to display a visual select menu[2].

More hidden settings

FlashHiders SCDROM2 MoreSettings.png

On the Mode Select menu, slowly press to display a menu with various settings[2].

"Return to main menu?" prompt

FlashHiders SCDROM2 ReturntoMainMenu.png

On the Mode Select menu, slowly press 8 times until the selection stops on Advance mode, then slowly press to display a prompt to return to the "main menu". Selecting "Yes" seems to hang the game on a black screen[2].

Let the AI take over

During a Versus match, pause and press ++ SELECT  on either player's Pad to have a computer player take over for that player.


  1. @yamada_arthur on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2022-01-24 19:53)
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 @yamada_arthur on Twitter (Wayback Machine: 2022-01-26 04:32)

CollapseFlash Hiders

FlashHiders SCDROM2 Title.png

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