
Double Dragon II: The Revenge/Hidden content

From NEC Retro

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Stage select

DoubleDragonII SCDROM2 StageSelect.png

On the title screen, press  RUN . Press or to select a stage, and  RUN  to start from that stage.

Sprite viewer

DoubleDragonII SCDROM2 SpriteViewer.png

On the title screen, press  RUN .

Cycle through the options using and , and toggle them with and . 0 through F are the sprite's colors, the second B toggles the colour of the background, the second C toggles the character to view, and P toggles the frame (pose) to view. The only way out of this is to reset the game.

Cutscene viewer

DoubleDragonII SCDROM2 CutsceneViewer.png

On the title screen, hold ++ SELECT  and wait for the screen to fade out, then press  RUN  before it fades out completely.

Stage skip

Pause during gameplay, hold ++ SELECT  and unpause.


Double Dragon II: The Revenge

DoubleDragonII SCDROM2 Title.png

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