
Cosmic Fantasy 3: Bouken Shounen Rei/Hidden content

From NEC Retro

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Test mode

CosmicFantasy3 SCDROM2 TestMode.png

Enter "にくきゅう" as a file name to display a menu featuring a cutscene viewer and sound test.

Hidden images (NSFW)

CosmicFantasy3 SCDROM2 HiddenPicture1.png

CosmicFantasy3 SCDROM2 HiddenPicture2.png

CosmicFantasy3 SCDROM2 HiddenPicture3.png

Enter "サヤだいすき", "リムだいすき" or "マイだいすき" as file names to display hidden images of three of the game's characters.


CollapseCosmic Fantasy 3: Bouken Shounen Rei

CosmicFantasy3 SCDROM2 Title.png

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